Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Last evening, I prepared a wonderful Chinese dinner for my loving husband and six of the sweetest people who I cherish. On the menu was Honey Walnut Shrimp; a recipe that I found online and tried at a restaurant. For those who really know me, I changed the recipe just a little. I went by the recipe for roasting the walnuts in honey and water. There was some of the juice left over so I added that to the sauce for the shrimp. I also made Hot and Sour Soup, which was really easy.


1 comment:

Sharon and Mike Williams said...

It was delicious and especially pleasant having conversations without a football game on the tube. Thanks for loving us enough to cook for us and for sharing your warm loving spirit.

BTW, Hope, there is a typo or two you may want to fix.

luv u,