Thursday, April 2, 2009


To all of my true followers, I am so sorry that it has been a while since I have written an recipes. My loving husband felt so sorry for me because my old laptop was so slow that it took forever to boot it or write in my blog, that he bought me a new laptop for my birthday.

Here it is April, and I have not written many Irish/English recipes as promised. However, I have been sick also, and during my illness, writing or even thinking about food did no appeal to me. Hopefully, I am on the mends and will get back to writing or improving recipes.

Since I don't have any recipes in mind, I thought that I would take this time to talk about my grand daughter who loves to cook, also. She is 5 years old, and already has several cook books of her own. My son is teaching her to read the recipes, find all the ingredients, make a list of ingredients not on hand, going to the store and finding the ingredients, and paying for the groceries. What a great lesson. She is very precise about measuring and following directions. I am glad to see that the art of cooking is not dead yet.

Hopefully, the next time, I will have a recipe to write about. And I hope that it will be soon.

1 comment:

Liss said...

Sounds like you got a good birthday present. :) I hope you're feeling better.